Kacie Leisure | Leslie Canipe | Kathryn Frye
Allure. A magnet of attraction. Urge. Impel. Inveigle. A gradual reveal of hints leading one to the definitive moment we wish to imply.
The books, which have been read by our group, are “The Hidden Dimension,” “The Death and Life of Great American Cities,” and “The Necessity for Ruins and Other Topics.”
Through the combination of our concept words, “kiss,” “deviate,” and “well-up,” we will create an aesthetically pleasing space as we also focus in on the combination of parts to ensure a properly functional and soundly structural piece. Through all stages of our process we will continually explore the principles and elements of design, as the ongoing goal is to achieve as many as possible. In the combination of these three varying spaces, the implication of these strategies will ensure a fluid and unified space, which will essentially draw you throughout in a fluid manner. We believe that in our efforts to do so, we will unveil a marriage of these concepts into one space.
Our digital representation will consist of computer renderings, series of hand drafting, and diagramming with final focus on a proposed floor plan, building sections, and 2 public space perspectives. Tangible space will also be offered through model as we explore the built environment to link our concepts with materiality, texture, and space. In our efforts to create a cohesive presentation we will provide printouts of our entire design to each audience member to ensure a thought provoking and fully engaging conversation
As second year students currently enrolled as majors in Interior Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, we bring common experiences but individual talents to the team, as we will work together to create a strong project in pursuit of quality deliverables.
As we have not formerly explored the talents of one other through work, we have vague understanding of each individual’s skill, and we expect our team responsibilities to alter through the course of this project, however we recognize the following advantages from each team member:
Frye: providing conceptual ideas throughout our design process.
Leisure: crafting beautiful composition to showcase our work.
Canipe: forming pristine narrative and digital representational skill.
The reason we believe to be a forward evolving, attentive to time and deadline, and virtually dynamic team is our flexibility toward one another and strong will toward our common profession. The question is not to whether we will achieve these goals, but through our confidence how great we can produce the finished product in taking full advantage of our time in studio and outside of. Through team collaboration we believe and obtain high expectations of one another and ourselves through mutual effort.
As JENGA 2.0 came to an end, I really have to stop and look at the progress I have made from the last project to this one. At first, I was discouraged with the quality of the deliverables of this project. I was striving for perfection, and when I do not meet this, I become extremely critical of myself. However, after having a discussion with Audra, I realized I have to recognize the good and bad and not solely the bad. For this particular project and I managed to print off my floor plans from the computer and craft a wood model of the space. While remaining constant with my concept word kiss and the anticipation that can arise, I created a space that continued to explore strong vertical and horizontal axis. These two points of direction draw one into the space and ultimately lead up the stairs to the most intimate space. I am pleased that I learned to print off from sketch-up, alter the drawings in photoshop, and print to scale. This project taught me that if I do not know how to do something, I can not let it keep me from trying. I know I will make much progress through the semester. I hope I can incorporate more diagrams and craft into the requirements. Seeing other people’s design voices really help me in seeing how I can evolve more of a voice. There were some individual’s who incorporated diagrams in their drawings. After seeing Blakeni’s drawings, I understood how diagrams can help one to understand the circulation of the space better. The circles and lines lead my eye in the direction that I would walk and the space becomes more real. See more of her work at http://mydoodlepages.blogspot.com/.I also appreciated Cassie's hand rendering. I think it meshed well into her other drawings. It helped me to understand the materiality and feel of the space. I think more attention to labeling and narrative could have made more clear the actual space and concept. See more of Cassie's work at http://cassandrashannon.blogspot.com/ Overall, I know there are skills I need to work on. Seeing it as a learning process helps me to appreciate where I have come from.
The 22‘x22’ room explored the idea of recoil where objects frame out windows to not block them. The idea of coming toward the center to relax supports this notion of forced relaxation. His space made me think what it is like to feel relaxation. This is an interesting take on the word, one that made me think of my own life and how I should take time to relax.
The third space (22‘x32’- 4”) seemed to present the strongest interpretation of reverberate through sound waves. Phillip mentions that the low, medium, and high sound waves influence the design of the space. I appreciate how the walls were not a literal interpretation of a sound wave, but instead explores what happens in a sound wave, portraying this process. The walls seem to bounce off one another and occur on different levels. There seems to be the strongest connection to all elements in this space. The ceiling plan reflects this idea even further. The use of level and curvilinear walls truly takes this concept step further. Overall, Phillip’s presentation went very well. Using the computer rendering helped to portray his concept. With more focus on the dialogue of the presentation, Phillip may be able to hone his skills of clarity and slower talking to help the audience understand his concept and design process.
Along with Phillip, Faith had a strong presentation as well. Her concept word was protrude, exploring the form of a cave, how things crystalize, and elements coming from the wall. In the 11’x 32’-4” space, the two solids were carved out, as though it were a cave. She imbedded the idea of stalagmites and stalactites into this space.
In the 22‘x22’ space, Faith examined crystallization, again focusing on how things form. In this case it was diamonds. This idea grabbed my attention but could have considered the beginning life of a diamond and the drastic change to its end result.
The largest space, 22’, 32’ 4” looked into built-ins and how hey “protrude” from the wall. This concept seemed to have the least interpretation of the concept word. Using Frank LLoyd Wright and his view of nature may have pushed this idea even further.
image credit: Faith Ramsey
In my opinion, the gray scale of the drawings seemed less harsh and was more pleasing to the eye. The models helped with understanding materials and the space itself. Though Faith mainly used her models to describe her concept, she was confident during her presentation. One thing that might make her presentation even stronger is if she takes the time to process her own words before speaking. This would allow the time for the audience to comprehend what she is saying if spoken slower with more clarity.