When beginning this semester, I remember feeling completely overwhelmed. This particular semester has an entirely approach then the other studio courses that have been completed. People take on different circumstances varying on their personality. For me, I tend to be on the fence when change comes about. However, the progression of this semester not only has alter the way I view unexpected changes but has also refined my design voice. These are both aspects that will only improve my continuation in this program.
Starting with Jenga 1.0, I was unsure why three design variations of the concept word were required. As the concepts developed, I realized that more than one idea can benefit the project. It helped me move beyond the stage of sitting and not producing any work. I really enjoyed exploring different design options. I am a strong conceptual designer, but presenting effectively was a challenge. Rather than developing the overall presentation deliverables, I perfected every design detail that was not seen. One of my design goals at the beginning was learning to manage time more effectively and work smarter.
In Jenga 2.0, I was not completely satisfied with my presentation decisions. Rather that hand drafting, I chose to use sketch-up. I knew that the line weights would not be darker, but again I did not work smart. I focused on the design details rather than the deliverables for the presentation. It was a much better improvement than Jenga 1.0, but not the quality of work I wanted to show. At this point, I remember feeling frustrated because I did not now the tools to have an effective presentation. I was proud of the design but the presentation was lacking. It was an improvement from the first project but not at the level I wanted.
Jenga 3.0 and 4.0 have been my favorite parts of the semester.Dividing work among three people allowed for more attention to detail. The three concepts lined up perfectly creating one unifying theme. The design remained consistent, forming a strong cohesive building. Both Jenga 3.0 and 4.0 were rewarding in the sense my design voice was heard and the end result was successful. Designing a space where I wanted to be present was a fun design process. This gave me the encouragement to move forward in the design.
Jenga 5.0 was an interesting part to the semester. Three additional people created an interesting group dynamic. With more people, it was more difficult for design voices to be heard. If not organized, similar issues can arise that I had with Jenga 1.0 where there is too much talk and not enough show of work. This happened at first, but eventually the group started moving along. The design finalized, but there were many more bumps in the road to overcome with a larger group
I am excited to focus more on the interior for Jenga 6.0. The outside is extremely important to give an idea of what the experience will be like in the interior. For me, the interior of spaces speaks more to me because this is where people spend the majority of their time. I am looking forward to move forward in the semester and use the other tools I have learned to present effectively. Each group member now has a better idea of how we each work with each other and this will speed up the process more.
So far in the semester, I have seen how it is important to stay true to your own particular design voice. Every person has their own process but in a group setting, it is important for this to be clear. The writing assignment for Jenga 6.0 was difficult to combine every design voice into one piece, yet puts emphasis that every individual shares useful ideas that can form the overall design. Reading has also provided a way of thinking about the design. He discusses order and how certain key elements can contribute to the design. The arrangement of objects and directed path play a key role in the design help one make sense of the space. Writing the prospectus also helps each group member understand the approach and the various tasks that must get accomplished.The design approach section always seems most valuable to me. It helps me focus on which elements in the design to focus on and how the group will move forward. Using all these strategies to forward the design are techniques that have helped me make sense of my own ideas. It clarifies my design voice and strengthen my concept. This semester has been extremely different compared to the other studio course, but it has helped me make sense of the designer I am and how to present effectively. I have accomplished a lot so far and look forward to the other skills I will obtain in Jenga 6.0 and 7.0.