For this assignment, we were asked to draw three vignettes where a person is interacting with an object. I decided to draw a city scene. Instead of drawing three ccompletely differnt scenes, I chose to draw the same city block. In each vignette it is a different view of this block. I had recently watched West Side Story which was my inspiration for the colors and overall look. I wanted each vignette to have a story in itself and bit of questioning to what the person might be saying on the telephone or what's written in the letter. 
I like the idea of a city where there can be so many people gathered but each person is on a different mission. For this particular scene, I decided to draw the back of a man talking on the telephone. You see the mailbox in the distance which is important in the next drawing.

These scenes are not only complete but they have a great atmosphere to them. There is a story here. Write about these scenes and let us in on your technique and what you learned.