The reflections discusses how things revolve in time. Nikki does an excellent job of portraying how this unit is a cycle. She states that "cycles begin with a revolution, or a drastic change." Throughout her essay she goes back to this theme of a revolution and how ideas are borrowed from the past. She gives great example of colonial america to clarify her idea of this unit. She ends her essay by saying, "in every era there is something new to be discovered." I think this statement summarizes the reflections unit well and prepares one for the next journey into explorations.
Cassie also discusses how the reflections unit revives and revolutionizes. Cassie discusses examples from the end of the renaissance to the 20th century. She provides many examples that show that this unit is a combination of looking forward and backward. She speaks of the new industry and how it shapes design. However, differing from Nikki, Cassie concludes saying that the reflections unit has many options and it becomes confusing for society. I think this is an interesting point and her examples allude to this.
Anna does a great job of explaining how the reflections unit is a cycle or the "circle of design." I think her example from the Lion King helps summarize the reflections unit. She also discusses how this cycle loops continuously. She discusses how the industrial revolution changes design and "various designs could now be made that before were just dreams." Anna really seems to embrace this unit and explain to everyone else the examples that help her make sense of this unit. I think her image does a great job of explaining what this unit meant to her. I like that she says things are reflected, but the reflection is not the exact same. I think this is true of the reflections unit that styles are borrowed on from the past, but might be different.

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