I first entered the program during the second semester of first year. Before this major, I tested out many other possible ones. At first I was a theatre education major. I have always enjoyed being on stage and playing a different role. After that, I went to being an art major. I have always enjoyed art but doing just art was not for me. Then I went to elementary education. This major was NOT for me! I was so anxious being around 6 year olds all day. I always enjoyed design so that is when I decided to apply for this major. I have really enjoyed being in Iarc and I think that it allows me to put all of those interests I had into one major. Coming from Robert’s studio, I feel I have acquired a better knowledge about space and how one might interact with that. This semester, I hope I can apply that to other people’s design questions. I want to be able to relate to other people and see their design needs. I also want to be able to communicate my ideas better. Most importantly, I want to have fun designing! After reflecting on goals about design, we listed our strengths as a designer. I think I am a good listener and am willing to listen to other people’s ideas. I try to see inspiration in the everyday. I also feel as though I can use my own personal experiences to help in my design process. Getting into groups with two other individuals who know you well, we were asked to mention their strengths. My group mentioned that I am organized and manage my time well. I work well in a team and help motivate others. I am a good communicator and can visually represent my ideas. This was surprising to me because I tend to think I do not present my ideas clearly and it becomes jumbled or confusing. My group also mentioned I am an active learner and adaptable. Some of these comments were somewhat surprising but after taking the personality quiz I realized that my answers were matching with some of the group;s comments. After completing the quiz, I ended up being a “true pragmatist.” This is a person who is flexible, a mediator, and balancer. They can see both sides and want harmony in a group atmosphere. This is most definitely the type of person I am. It is interesting to see that this type of personality is not all that terrible. Sometimes it is difficult to make a quick decision, but overall the “true pragmatist” is ideal in a group setting for a leader. This was surprising because I would think that the more outspoken person would appear as the leader and naturally lead the group. I guess this leads to my next goal which is to be more confident in my design and know that I will only become a better communicator. With this drawing, I wanted to show that I am an observer of my everyday surroundings. I also look to see how I can continually better my design.

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